Googly Eye Mini Money Purse
Googly Eye Mini Money Purse Googly Eye Mini Money Purse Googly Eye Mini Money Purse Googly Eye Mini Money Purse Googly Eye Mini Money Purse Googly Eye Mini Money Purse Googly Eye Mini Money Purse Googly Eye Mini Money Purse Googly Eye Mini Money Purse Googly Eye Mini Money Purse Googly Eye Mini Money Purse

Teeny tiny purse for teeny tiny things.

9cm x 6.5cm / ~3.5in x 2.5in.

All Ark Colour Design products are made by hand in the United Kingdom. Their leather is sourced from the UK & Ireland, only ever as a by-product from the meat and dairy industry, as material that would otherwise go to landfill. Their products are all biodegradable and plastic-free.